Jordanhill Guild is a branch member of the Church of Scotland National Guild.
Meetings are held on Tuesday afternoons,
beginning at 2.00 p.m.
(Please check with the Guild or Church Office for the next meeting date.)
A short period of worship is usually followed by invited speakers who bring news of current Guild-supported projects or of the local and national work of the Church of Scotland.
Some meetings are led by Guild or Congregation members who have something interesting to say about their travels, hobbies or involvement with organizations, people or events of general interest.
In-house evenings often find Guild members getting “hands on” experience of craftwork, flower arranging, cookery (making and tasting) and other practical activities.
The Guild Committee aims to plan a varied, interesting and enjoyable programme for the session with ample time being allowed towards the end of each meeting to allow members to catch up with each other socially, a hugely important part of the Guild’s reason for being.
All meetings of the Guild are open to anyone who might wish to visit on any given afternoon.
Meetings on Tuesdays at 2.00 p.m. unless otherwise stated.