Intimations – Sunday 6th October 2024
Welcome to any visitors worshiping with us this morning. There are large print hymn books and orders of service available from the welcome team. Services are streamed live and can be watched later on YouTube. Please join us for tea and coffee after this morning’s service in the Memorial Hall.
This morning we bring our Harvest Thanksgiving gifts which will be given to the Lodging House Mission (SC017283). If you would prefer to give a monetary donation there will be a collection on the way out of the church service.
Study Group: Next week at 7pm the fortnightly Study Group will meet, reading the book, The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a life of faith by Marcus J Borg. This is a challenging book that looks at Christianity in a time of change. All are welcome.
Kirk Session: Next week the Kirk Session will meet at 10.10am in the Orr Room before the morning service. During the service we will ordain and admit Gillian Robertson as an elder.
Link: The October edition of the church magazine, Link, is available in the front vestibule.
Communion: The invitations for Communion on 27th October are now available for distribution. Please collect from the church vestibule or from the office during the week.
Concert Series: Our next church concert on Friday 11th October, 7.30pm,will be performed by Roo Geddes and Neil Sutcliffe, a folk-inspired violin and accordion duo. They will perform music from their debut album Homelands, compositions inspired by woodlands and wild spaces, and improvisations rooted in traditional Scottish music. Admission by donation, all are welcome.
Café: The church café welcomes everyone on Wednesdays. Please join us for tea/coffee and cake from 11.00am and toasties from 12.00pm. All are welcome!
Wednesday Worship: Wednesday morning worship service is at 10.30am. All are welcome.
Next Sunday – Sunday 13th October 2024
10.30am Morning Service Ordination and Admission of an Elder. Junior Church on holiday.
Starter Packs: Starter Packs is a charity that aims to alleviate poverty and support vulnerable people in and around Glasgow. They provide packs of basic household items to help people settle into new homes. Currently they are looking for mugs, plates, tumblers and double bed linen. If you would like to donate or require more information about Starter Packs, please see Norma Hendry.
Foodbank: The Glasgow North West foodbank is very grateful for all the support from Jordanhill Parish Church and our neighbouring churches. If you would like to donate food items there are pink collecting baskets at the entrance to the church and halls. The foodbank based at Blawarthill also distributes from the Victory Church & Family Centre in Possilpark.
Stamp Appeal: Do you have any used stamps? We collect these for the Church of Scotland who recycle them and give the donations raised to help the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) project ‘Firmly Planted’. More information can be found on the noticeboards. Used stamps can be left outside the church office.
Sunday Collection: The collection is given on the way into Church, and brought forward during the service.
Live streaming: The Sunday services are live streamed. This means that some areas of the church will be in the view of the camera, these areas include the chancel area and the front couple of rows of pews. The live stream can be accessed by clicking on the link on the front page of the church website. Shortly after the service has concluded the service will be available to watch as a recording on the church YouTube channel.
Weekly intimations: If you have any items for the weekly intimations, please contact the office by Friday morning.
Online Donations: if you would like to contribute financially to the work of Jordanhill Parish Church, then please follow this link Jordanhill Parish Church Online Donations