Returning To Church

Welcome back to Sunday worship! The 45-minute service will begin at 10.30am; the door on Woodend Drive will be open at 10.10 am. We continue to follow the guidance of the Scottish Government and Church of Scotland within our buildings.


  • There is no need to pre-book a seat for worship, however doing so makes it easier and quicker for you when you come to church as it adds your details to the track and trace register.  You can do this by contacting the Church Office by phone (0141 959 2496) or email ( by 4pm on the Friday.
  • The church will have been thoroughly cleaned before opening and between each service.
  • Please do not come to church if you are unwell and/or have underlying conditions that mean that you are in a high-risk category.
  • When you arrive at church a member of the Welcome Team will greet you and add your name and contact number to the Track and Trace list.  We keep this securely for 21 days in case it is requested by the NHS contact trace team.
  • Please wear a face covering throughout your time in the church (children under the age of 12 are exempt), and sanitise your hands when you enter the building.
  • The Offering will be taken on the way into church at the front door.
  • A printed order of service containing the days hymns and bible readings will be available to pick up on the way in.



  • The church doors will remain open to aid ventilation so wear something warm.
  • If the fire alarm should sound during the service you should make your way out of the nearest exit as quickly and calmly as possible.
  • Junior Church will leave after the opening hymn to continue their worship and learning in the halls.



  • Please sanitise your hands when you leave the building.
  • There is tea and coffee after the service in the Memorial Hall, please join us!