Our congregation provides a place where we can explore what it means to be a Christian in the world of today. We are a congregation of all ages, and different stages on our journey of faith. We enjoy being part of the wider Jordanhill community and always seek to support community life. We aim to be a welcoming and inclusive congregation. All are welcome to come and worship with us and be part of any of the organisations that meet in the halls.
The Sunday service is held at 10.30am each week, and the midweek service at 10.30am each Wednesday. For the midweek service please enter by the Munro Road door.
The Sunday services are livestreamed on the church YouTube channel.
This week’s live streamed Sunday Worship :
For this week’s Intimations and notices please click here
To donate online and support the congregation, please click here
Presbytery of Glasgow – Local cluster churches group
Jordanhill Parish Church is in a cluster grouping with: Blawarthill Parish Church linked with St Columba Gaelic Church, and Broomhill Hyndland Parish Church.
More information about our grouping can be found on this website: